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Socioeconomics is an interdisciplinary field of research that examines the interactions between social and economic processes in societies. This field explores how social structures, institutions, and cultures influence economic activities, and conversely, how economic factors shape social life. Socioeconomics aims to pursue a holistic approach to provide a more comprehensive explanation of socio-economic phenomena. [1]

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW)

Fraunhofer IMW looks back on more than fifteen years of applied socio-economic research and experience in Leipzig. About 236 employees from fourteen countries support customers and partners from business, industry, politics, research and society in using globalization, digitization and structural change as a motor for innovation. The interdisciplinary research team at the Leipzig site and, since 2020, also at the Center for Economics of Materials in Halle (Saale) accompanies companies, organizations, institutions, states, municipalities and regions with international projects, network activities and analyses scientifically based on strategic decision-making processes. Originally founded as the Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ in 2006, the content-related and strategic reorientation of the institute, which is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015, has been reflected in its new name, Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW, since 2016. The institute's competencies are digital value creation, innovation research, structural change, knowledge and technology transfer and corporate development in international competition.

The scientists at Fraunhofer IMW research and develop strategies, structures, processes and instruments

  • to facilitate knowledge and technology transfer between organizations
  • to convert knowledge into innovative products and services
  • to develop the right environment for innovation and knowledge transfer
  • In this process, they aim for ecologically and socially balanced and economically viable solutions with a global perspective.

Examples of tasks of Fraunhofer IMW:

  • International country, industry or technology rankings
  • Country or region-specific inventory analyses
  • Location and impact analyses
  • Market Research and Benchmarking
  • Research projects, studies and strategies for
    • Innovation transfer and management
    • Clusters and networks
    • Corporate development and internationalization
    • Research and Development (R&D)
  • Feasibility and foresight studies
  • Monitoring of research institutions, national and international

Further Information

Innovation Policy and Transfer Design

The team of the Innovation Policy and Transfer Design unit supports companies, politicians and scientists in making evidence-based decisions – for a sustainable transformation of regions and organizations. The application-oriented research of the scientists promotes the development of resilient innovation and start-up ecosystems. Our range of services includes the strategic planning and development of cooperation, transfer and funding activities, as well as the support and design of innovation policy instruments.

Innovation Acceptance

The Innovation Acceptance Unit examines the social prerequisites and consequences of technology and knowledge transfer processes. Our focus is on the challenges and opportunities in transferring innovative solutions with a large distance between the context of creation and use. In our work, we take current challenges as a starting point, make use of the findings and the methodological spectrum of social science technology research and develop these further with our own approaches. Our benchmark is always the user with his subjective needs. In terms of content, we serve the interstice between the macroeconomic framework of transfer processes and the micro-level of individual behavior.

Futures and Innovation

The core competency of the Futures and Innovation Unit (until 5/2023: Professionalizing Knowledge Transfer Processes Unit) is to develop future knowledge for the use of new technologies and services with the help of our interdisciplinary team. To this end, we examine the market development potential and relevant advances in technology and services in their broader context (e.g. social, economic, or political aspects). In addition, we test new collaborative formats of knowledge transfer and organize cooperation initiatives between researchers and experts with different professional backgrounds.

Innovation Financing

Digitalization is shaping social and economic life in all areas and opening up new opportunities for the active participation of society in innovation processes, among others through crowd-based methods such as crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.
 These methods provide companies and organizations with the opportunity to involve their customer groups as an active crowd in the co-design and – if required – also in the financing of their products and services at an early stage.

Geschäftsmodelle: Engineering und Innovation

Our researchers in the unit Business Models: Engineering and Innovation analyze, design, develop and implement business models. Based on the latest scientific findings, proprietary tools and methods, as well as experience from projects and international benchmarks, the team supports companies in bringing economic success in line with ecological and social sustainability.

Qualifizierungs- und Kompetenzmanagement

With its strategic competence and learning process management solutions, the Professional Development and Competence Management Unit provides companies with sustainable support in successfully managing transformation processes triggered by digitization and internationalization, e.g. in introducing digital technologies, managing psychological stress caused by social media, and exploring crowdworking approaches.

Economics of Technology and Management Division

The new division at Fraunhofer IMW focuses on the economic support of technology strategies and the systematic complement of technology commercialization profits from the competences of both institute director, Dr. Christian Growitsch and Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich, an experienced expert in the fields of circular economy, bioeconomy, sustainable energy and environmental technology with a far-reaching established network.