2023/10/31 HoT BBQ Challenge

From Wiki

The HoT BBQ Challenge is open for new ideas

Deadline October 31, 2023

As a cross-sector and interdisciplinary project, the HOUSE of TRANSFER lives from exchange and participation. That's why, we would love to see your participation in our HoT BBQ challenge, carried out by crowd innovation. Because just implementing our ideas is too one-sided for us in the long run, after all this project is about you! We would like to benefit from the swarm intelligence of our community and hear your opinion on the following topics:

  • Good Practice examples.
  • What added value should the HOUSE of TRANSFER offer in the long term?
  • Which community formats should be established?

Expect an attractive prize: Of course, there are also delicious prizes to be maintain. All winners will be receiving an exclusive BBQ-related prize!

Video: https://lnkd.in/epPwhfTZ

Challenge: https://lnkd.in/eNcHmwU7 (one-time registration is necessary)